Centrifugal compressor Vs Vane blower compressor

Centrifugal compressor

Centrifugal compressor
 A centrifugal blower compressor , in its simplest form, consists of rotor to which a number of curved vanes are fitted symmetrically .The rotor rotates in an air tight volute casing with inlet and outlet points. The casing for the compressor is so designed that the kinetic energy of air is converted in to pressure energy before it leaves the casing . The curve advances as well as the diffuser are so designed that the air enters and leaves their tips tangentially that is with ot shock.

Vane blower compressor :

Vaneblower compressor
A Vane blower in its simplest form, consists of disc rotating eccentrically in an air tight casing with inlet and out let ports . The disc has a number of slots containing vanes . When the rotor rotates the disc . The vanes are pressed against the casing due to centrifugal force and form air to tight pockets
The efficiency of the vanes blower.
Centrifugal compressor Vs Vane blower compressor Centrifugal compressor Vs  Vane blower compressor Reviewed by Sravan29 on 05:43:00 Rating: 5
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