Petrol engine Vs Diesel engine ?
Petrol engine :

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- Petrol engine draws a mixture of petrol and air during suction stroke.
- Carburetor is employed to mix petrol and air in the required quantity and supply it to the engine during suction stroke.
- Pressure at end if compression about 10 bar.
- Charge is ignited with help of spark plug.
- Petrol engine works on Otto cycle, combustion of fuel take a place at constant volume.
- Compression ratio of petrol engine is 6 to 10.
- Starting of engine is easy due to low compression ratio.
- Very lighter and cheaper then diesel engine.
- Petrol engine running cost is high because higher cost of petrol.
- Low maintenance cost.
- Thermal efficiency is up to 26 %.
- Over heating trouble is more due to low thermal efficiency.
- These are high speed engines.
- The petrol engines are generally employed in light duty vehicle such as scooters,motor cycles cars,these are also used in aeroplanes.
Diesel engines :
- A Diesel engine draws only air during suction stroke.
- The injector is employed to inject the diesel at the end of compression stroke.
- The pressure at the end of compression is about 3.5 bar.
- The fuel is formed in form of fine spray.the temperature of the compressed air ( about 600 deg at a pressure of about 35 bar ) is sufficiently high to ignite the fuel.
- The combustion of fuel takes place approximately at constant pressure ,In other words ,it works on diesel cycle.
- The starting is little difficult due to high compression ratio.
- As the compression ratio is high,the diesel engines are heavier and costlier.
- Diesel engine running cost is low because lower cost of petrol.
- More maintenance cost.
- Thermal efficiency is up to 40 %.
- Over heating trouble is less due to high thermal efficiency.
- These are low speed engines.
- The diesel engines are generally employed in heavy duty vehicle such as buses, trucks, and earth moving machines, etc.
Petrol engine Vs Diesel engine animation video :

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Petrol engine Vs Diesel engine ?
Reviewed by Sravan29